Today, the expansion of cities and their infrastructures, such as the network of water and gas facilities and like that, has led companies to move towards information integration in the form of GIS databases. GIS can be efficient and effective as a database for storing, retrieving and analyzing information. One of the best ways to display this information is to display them in 3D. Trivializing GIS information with the help of software designed for this purpose has problems such as the big size of this software, having the knowledge and skills to work with them. In this paper, by providing a solution to improve the visualization of GIS data, the use and display of these data is facilitated by augmented reality technology. The proposed approach in this paper is to extract the information needed to build a 3D model from the GIS database and then generate a 3D model with the help of the Open Inventor library. The model produced in this method is much smaller than the models produced in the usual way of GIS information 3D design software. Then the 3D model produced by this method is displayed with the help of the augmented reality software that designed for this purpose. The advantage of this method is the ease of use for any kind of user, and there is no need to have any specific knowledge about the three-dimensional GIS information.
Saadatjoo F, Abedi E, Rezaei M J. Automatically Generate 3D Model of GIS Data for Augmented Reality Software. GEJ 2018; 9 (4) :1-10 URL: