Location-based Services become part of our everyday life, ranging from traffic prediction systems to services over mobile phones. Services, users and the concepts of time, space and movement are fundamental sub domains of LBS applications and have common characteristics. As these sub domains are complicated and heterogeneous, the ontology is used as the core of fundamental structure in these services. In this paper after defining the existing methods of ontology in Location-based Services, in order to share and clarify the common concepts of space, time and movement that are basics of Domain Ontology and all the LBS applications, a systematic research about meaning of these concepts has been done. Finally, in order to help understanding of Domain Ontology, its implementation in an open source ontology editor, Protégé, is analyzed.
K. Mirzapour, R. Esmaeili, F. Hakimpour. The use of ontologies in location-based services Case study: Analysis of Domain Ontology in location-based service. GEJ 2013; 4 (2) :49-56 URL: http://gej.issgeac.ir/article-1-129-en.html