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:: Volume 10, Issue 2 (5-2019) ::
GEJ 2019, 10(2): 13-26 Back to browse issues page
Determination of Coseismic Displacement Field in Saravan Earthquake in 2013 on Iranian Permanent GPS Network for Geodynamics (IPGN)
A. Dashtbazi , R. Emadi , H. R. Nankali
Abstract:   (5553 Views)
The Makran subduction zone from the point of view of Tectonics, and seismicity is really interesting  for researchers. The Makran zone is divided into two parts of western Iran and east in Pakistan. The largest earthquake of the last half century, with magnitude 7.8 in 2013, occurred near the city of Saravan. The occurrence of this earthquake indicates the locks on the western Makran border with the eastern Makran. But there is still the possibility of silent earthquake in that area. Determination of the displacement Iranian Permanent GPS Network for Geodynamics is of particular importance in Makran's behavioral structure. In this study, in order to determine the displacement of this earthquake coherent earthquake, observations of the Iranian Permanent GPS of the geodynamic network of the country called Saravan, Golmorti, Zabol and Fahraj were collected, processed and analyzed in the time interval of the earthquake. With a view to better approximation and symmetry in a fitted math model, an 14-month interval was considered that the earthquake was in the middle of the range. Also, the GAMMIT &GLOBK software was used to process GPS data. According to the results, the actual viable displacement vectors are 55.78 mm in diameter and the model is up to 50.15 mm in length for the Saravan station with the largest displacement, respectively, Golmorti  3.03 mm and Zabol 2.70 mm and Fahraj 1.19 mm. They showed displacement. Given the residual values ​​at Saravan station and visual analyzes, first degree polynomials were fitted for two periods before and after the earthquake. The changes in the Flat component and altitude components are a function of the fault mechanism, the depth of the lock, and the intervals of the points from the fault. The maximum change in the altitude component of the Fahraj Station is 24.12 millimeters, which is likely to be related to other geological phenomena. In the case of other stations, Golmorti with a height of 5.5 mm, Saravan 2.75 mm lower elevation and Zabol with 1.8 mm lower altitude has been associated.
Keywords: GPS Permanent Stations, Subduction, Saravan Earthquake, Displacement Field, Co Seismic, Makran
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geo&Hydro
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Dashtbazi A, Emadi R, Nankali H R. Determination of Coseismic Displacement Field in Saravan Earthquake in 2013 on Iranian Permanent GPS Network for Geodynamics (IPGN). GEJ 2019; 10 (2) :13-26
URL: http://gej.issgeac.ir/article-1-310-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 2 (5-2019) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی مهندسی نقشه برداری و اطلاعات مکانی Geospatial Engineering Journal