During the disaster, rescue groups are responsible for tasks that require different types of information to optimize their activities. Preparation and distribution of information is very sensitive. The acquisition of new data and events such as degraded buildings and injured people in some cases using conventional methods is very difficult. With the advancement of technology, people familiar with social networks and smartphones, people produce and generate large amounts of data. This phenomenon is called Volunteered geographic information. Today, this data collected and shared with sites and social networks for free. This paper pays service that Volunteered geographic information provide to crisis management. Experience has shown that the system cannot work without regard to environmental considerations. The current system of data collection, updating and spatial data infrastructure, cannot consider emergency situations. In particular, companies such as Ushahidi and OSM's activities will be described. This article is based on articles and activities conducted in this field and provide category and in the end discussed and determine the factors affecting performance of them.
Azizkhani M, Malek M R, Naseri F, Shankayi M. Volunteered Geographic Information in Crisis Management. GEJ 2017; 8 (2) :63-72 URL: http://gej.issgeac.ir/article-1-144-en.html